Primacare’s COVID-19 Safety Protocols
At Primacare™, safeguarding the health and safety of our residents and our staff is fundamental to who we are and how we operate. Our homes are designed to be a place of comfort for everyone and we will do our utmost to ensure that they remain this way during these difficult times.
As such, we have implemented all pandemic directives issued by local and provincial public health authorities to help prevent and/or stem the spread of any infectious outbreak in our homes. This includes:
People Protocols
Daily monitoring of residents and staff for COVID-19 symptoms, including multiple temperature checks
Ensuring that residents, staff and visitors practice physical distancing
Making the use of face masking mandatory for all staff
Providing adequate supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our staff
Promoting good hand hygiene
Ensuring that our staff is properly trained in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Testing any resident or staff member who displays symptoms of COVID-19 and testing every staff member every two weeks
Isolating residents who display symptoms of COVID-19
Isolating confirmed cases of COVID-19
Ensuring that our staff members do not come to work when sick
Ensuring that our staff members have no contact with any other long-term care home or other medical facility
Ensuring that our staff receives ongoing training on Primacare’s COVID-19 pandemic plan, policies and procedures, all Directives released by the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care, Ontario Health Guidance documents, Public Health Ontario Guidance documents, local Public Health Directives, Infection Prevention and Control practices
Frequent, ongoing auditing of all Infection Prevention and Control Practices including use of PPE and hand hygiene to ensure adherence
Establishing visitor and essential caregiver programs to enable a safe return of families/friends to the Homes
Facility Protocols
Frequent and rigorous cleaning/disinfecting of all surfaces, especially high touch surfaces like doors and handrails
Ensuring that hand sanitizer is readily available throughout each Home area
Posting signage that reminds staff, residents and visitors to practice proper hand hygiene and physical distancing
Reporting any suspected cases of COVID-19 to local public health authorities
Closing the Home to visitors, caregivers and non-essential services in the event of a suspected or confirmed outbreak